ERIC svícen na tři svíčky / Yolk Matte

2 190 Kč
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Rozměry / Size: 22 x 22 x 14 cm / 8.5 x 8.5 x 5,51 inch
Materiál / Material: Keramika, kamenina / Ceramic, earthenware
Vyrobeno/ Made in: V Portugalsku / In Portugal

Belgian design brand Home Studyo specializes in creating playful ceramic pieces for the interior. It celebrates individuality and personal expression through unique design.

With a mission to inspire people to create a unique space, it offers an alternative to mass production, combining exclusive collectible design with affordability and everyday functionality.

All items are handcrafted with attention to detail, making them not only useful items, but also cheerful and colorful eye-catchers that will liven up any home.

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design