gangzai round box gd569 maryjane

MARY JANE metal tin

420 Kč

A small decorative metal tin for storing small items will shine wherever you place it - on a table, console or shelf.

This multi-functional storage box, a funny and unconventional accessory in flamboyant colors, will bring a surreal and original touch to your interior.

The glossy lacquer finish makes this beautiful handmade item unique.

The tin box is sensitive to UV radiation and should not be placed in direct sunlight.

A small round box with a very elegant design is a concentration of bright colors and poetic graphics typical of Gangzaï.

Detailed information
Brand: Gangzaï
Dispatch within 48h

Product detailed description

Gangzaï  is a French brand in the field of modern art born from a story of friendship, passion and love for graphics with a significant dose of unconventional humor.

The original pieces follow each other within the collections of surprising and dreamy creations, which are now known all over the world. It is an ingenious mix of 19th century and contemporary design.

We invite you to discover the enchanting world of Gangzaï  and his engaging and poetic ideas that will entertain you, make you dream and go on a journey into an imaginary world.

Additional parameters

Rozměry: ∅ 10,4×6 cm
Materiál: Plech s lakovanou úpravou
Ruční výroba: Barvy se od sebe mohou mírně lišit
Upozornění: Pouze pro použití v interiéru, citlivé na UV
Péče: Otírejte vhlkým hadříkem

Gangzaï  is a French brand in the field of modern art born from a story of friendship, passion and love for graphics with a significant dose of unconventional humor.

The original pieces follow each other within the collections of surprising and dreamy creations, which are now known all over the world. It is an ingenious mix of 19th century and contemporary design.

We invite you to discover the enchanting world of Gangzaï  and his engaging and poetic ideas that will entertain you, make you dream and go on a journey into an imaginary world.


Bonus 100Kč 


Přihlaste se k odběru novinek a využijte 100 Kč slevu na uvítanou.

Nabídka platí na první objednávku nad 1000 Kč uskutečněnou do 30 dnů od registrace.


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